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5 Psychology Tricks that will work on ANYBODY!!!-Probytez

5 Psychology Tricks that works on ANYBODY..

 A basic definition of Psychology is the science of Mind behavior. It is  also the mental or behavioral  characteristics of individual or group.

Since the beginning of time, people have wanted to control the minds of  others. Though it may not be reality just yet,these tricks will make you seem like you are in total control of situation, or make your friend think you are mind reader. Either way, it sounds pretty much fun, Right!

Just wait until we will tell you how to make your friend answer a simple question incorrectly without even knowing it, Read below to find out!
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Today we revealing 5 Psychological tricks that works on anybody!


Have you ever had that awkward moment when you glance at someone, and they are looking at you?
And i'm pretty much sure that this has happened to each and everyone of us!
What if you glanced more then once,and they are still staring? It may be coincidence, but sometime it can be very uncomfortable. You may even think this person is watching you. 
If that  thought pops up in your mind,there is an easy way to figure it out with embarrassing yourself or the other person , Just Yawn. That's right.,take a long yawn and when you are finished,look at the person if they yawned,there is good chance they are watching you. this comes down to  the fact that Yawning is contagious.
On the flip side ,you could use this trick to see if someone is interested in you. If you want to see if you have that special someone's attention,yawn and see if they do it too!


OK , I admit ,we wont actually be able to part the sea with this trick. You will be able to part foot traffic in a crowd area,which in most cases is better. If you are at  a crowded party or social event,this trick can come in handy,if you are trying to cross the room.
All yo have to do in this circumstances is to look into the direction you want to go!
You will be shocked to see there is path that has open for you. This trick has to do with  the other people around you.When in crowded area,people tend to watch other's eye as a sign where they are headed. To avoid running into this person,people tend to go in opposite direction.This trick wont work if you are wearing glasses on your eyes and also if your eyes are glued to the phone.


You have probably heard people tell you to shoot for the stars,when it comes to your dreams.That isn't the only time to shoot for the stars because you can also do the same when you want something from some one.
Science has proven that, if you want something from someone,aim high. Well, aim high means asking that someone for something  which is ridiculously out their grasp. And following up with a smaller amount, they are more likely to oblige your second offer.
For instance,say you have a friend who works for your favorite Band. You may want to go to the show ,so you ask them for tickets for you and your friends. You should break the ice bye asking a ridiculous amount of tickets to the show. Of course don't be surprised,when this person says NO!
Instead,follow it by asking actual amount of tickets you wanted.They are much more likely to not to blow u off!


We know making eye contact isn't always easy. And , no, we don't think you are a dummy if you are one of those people who are uncomfortable with eye contact.
Dont worry we are here to help! First you should probably know why eye contact is so important  when you meet someone. It doesn't matter what the situation is,if you aren't able to look in someone eye while they are talking, They may think that you are not interested in the conversation . This may mean you will miss out some pretty crucial  awesome connections.
Keeping good eye contact can also help communicate and understanding with another person. They will feel like you see them, and accept them what they are saying.You should never let your social anxiety  associated with eye contact  get in the way of your relationship.To combat these or to overcome this issue try this little trick, when you meet someone try to remember the color of  there eyes.This will trick them into thinking that, you are trying to make eye contact,and it will keep your mind off the intimacy that you are making eye contact with stranger.
Just make sure it isn't obvious, and keep a smile on your face while doing so!


Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of having a peaceful work environment.Sometime  we may do some mistakes which may disrupts the flow of work. Or, you may just have a bully at your work place who has it out for you. Either way, there is a trick to matter into your own hand.When you head into meeting where you think you might be part of confrontation, Sit next to the person you think is going to initiate the aggression.Thought you want to as far as possible from that person,Hear us about.When you sit next someone who is angry at you, It makes it awkward for them to show aggression towards you.The great thing about this trick is  you can ease the situation without having an argument.Sitting close to the person you think who has spoke poorly to you will make them feel guilty about what they said.

Friends, If you like this post,kindly comment below the post and do share you response.Thanks for reading :)
