Rules for Referrals Tez Referrals Offer You may invite anyone to join Tez and if your invitee registers on Tez through your unique Tez invitation link (see offer details for your unique link), and successfully completes a payment using the Tez app, you are eligible for the Tez Referrals Offer. You and the invitee will receive Indian Rupees Fiifty One (INR 51) each, in yours and the Invitee’s designated bank account. As such, you and your invitee must have a UPI-enabled bank account attached to your respective Tez accounts to receive payment from Google. You can only take advantage of this offer once per registered invitee. Invitee can only take advantage of this offer for his first Tez transaction. You can earn a maximum of 50 referral rewards. You can earn referral rewards up to a total value of Indian Rupees Nine Thousand (INR 9,000) per financial year (1 April to 31 March), across all Tez offers. Employees, interns, contractors and office-holders, as well as their immedi...
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